How to realize almost any design with this new feature: Wrappers

With inCMS you now have the ability to add "Wrappers" to your website allowing you to have alternating blocks on a page with different background colors or background images.

Check out our knowledge base and learn how to realize almost any design with this new feature:

All knowledge base articles on "Wrappers" >>>

Last week had a live webinar where we introduced the new wrapper feature (and more). If you missed it, don't worry, we have the video right here:
SwissMadeMarketing's 2015 in Review (webinar recording) >>>


Video Summary

Our new landing page templates and why we needed to add new editing functionality to inCMS
Min. 0:00 - 1:48

How to use "Wrappers"
Min. 1:49 - 4:01

Our new knowledge base section (iCMS English / Developers)
Min. 4:02 - 4:30

Use the new wrapper feature and create amazing websites
Min. 4:31 - 4:58


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