SwissMadeMarketing Online Academy

Das Abo wird nach drei Monaten automatisch zum gleichen Spezialpreis von €199 erneuert. Es ist jederzeit vor Beginn der neuen Laufzeit kündbar.

Die Online Academy

Grow your business online in 8 weeks with daily training, actionable strategies, and step-by-step support from our team of experts. The Online Academy covers everything you need to successfully build your business online.

Business Strategy:

including finding your niche, creating your business offer, setting your prices, and the different online models you can integrate into your business.

Funnel Building:

including creating lead magnets and landing pages, scripting sales videos, and using different strategies to bring clients into your business.

Free Traffic:

including SEO and search marketing, keyword research, organic social media marketing (including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube), and blogging.

Paid Traffic:

including Facebook advertising, YouTube advertising, and Google PPC.

Automating & Scaling:

including email marketing, running online meetings, organising your calendar, and delivering your content and services.


Live questions & answers, regular marketing hotseats, actionable PDFs and checklists, and a students-only Facebook group for accounability and support.

This training is designed for YOU. 

So if you’ve got specific questions? We’ll create trainings for them. 

The Online Academy is about supporting you and your business, and we’re committed to your success.

Die Online Academy











Our training is suitable for a wide range of sectors, and we’ve had students from social impact, financial, real estate, retail, hospitality, health and wellness, creative & design, leisure, and education.

Le programme de conseil de SwissMadeMarketing...


1. Live Trainings

Each week day, we host a 45-minute webinar delivered by an online business expert. These webinars give you the foundational strategy, and specific actions to take so you can implement it in your business.


2. Live Q&A Sessions & Hotseats

At the end of each webinar, there’s time for questions and answers so we can support your specific situation with targeted advice and. Plus, get laser-focused marketing feedback with one of our hotseats.


3. Library of Recordings

If you can’t make it to the live training (or if you want to rewatch a particular training at a later date), don’t worry - you get access to a library of the recordings, so you can tackle one strategy at a time with confidence.


4. Step-by-Step Processes

For each pillar of online business, we give you step-by-step actions to take, including PDF checklists and workflows to help you take massive action in your business in a way that is strategic and easy to implement.


5. Facebook Group

Access our exclusive students’ Facebook community, where you can connect with other growth-minded business owners and ask our in-house experts questions as you work through the actions from the webinar trainings.

Was unsere Kunden sagen

This is not just another online course.

This is a program of training, support, and accountability for serious business owners who want to grow their businesses online.

Das Abo wird nach drei Monaten automatisch zum gleichen Spezialpreis von €199 erneuert. Es ist jederzeit vor Beginn der neuen Laufzeit kündbar.

Lernen Sie das Team von SwissMadeMarketing kennen

Seit einigen Jahren wird der Wettbewerb im Online Markt immer anspruchsvoller und temporeicher. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg heißt Automatisierung. Diese ist die treibende Kraft hinter SwissMadeMarketing. Seit 2010 erstellt SwissMadeMarketing neue Business-Lösungen für alle, die Online Marketing betreiben: von der Keyword Recherche bis hin zur CMS Plattform. SwissMadeMarketing strebt unaufhörlich danach, an der Spitze von Innovationen zu stehen. Ziel dieser Innovationen ist es, Geschäftsprozesse zu automatisieren und das Leben eines jeden Unternehmers effizienter und produktiver zu machen. In kürzerer Zeit. Das Team besteht aus hoch qualifizierten Programmierern in der Schweiz und einem internationalen Team von Marketing Experten, die alle mit Leib und Seele daran arbeiten, erstklassige Produkte für Sie zu entwickeln.

Unser Antrieb ist die Erkenntnis, dass dieses «Internet Ding» die mächtigste Plattform ist, die jemals existiert hat. Online Marketing ist in unserer Zeit so wichtig geworden, dass es über Erfolg oder Misserfolg von jedem Unternehmen entscheiden kann.


Das Abo wird nach drei Monaten automatisch zum gleichen Spezialpreis von €199 erneuert. Es ist jederzeit vor Beginn der neuen Laufzeit kündbar.

FAQs About The Online Academy

How do I access The Online Academy? 

When you join the Academy, you’ll be sent details for accessing the live training sessions each day. You’ll also get login details for our members-only area, so you can access the recordings any time, and from anywhere with an internet connection.

I’m only interested in one topic - can I just attend one webinar? 

Yes! Each webinar recording is also available at a one-time price, so you can pick-and-mix the ones you need. However, access to the members’ area, Q&A sessions, and additional support is only available to Academy members. 

Do I need a certain level of marketing knowledge or experience before I join? 

No, you don’t need any previous knowledge or experience. We explain all of the topics step-by-step, and include practical examples and case studies. We also do hotseats and answer questions, so more advanced marketers will get a lot of benefit, too! 

When you join, you’re getting access to our most valuable insights and experiences of recent years so you can shorten the learning curve and see results from your efforts as quickly as possible.

How much time per week will I need to invest? 

This depends entirely on you: you can join us live each day for the 45-minute training (plus time for questions), or you can watch the recordings at your leisure. 

We know you’re busy, and we value your time: that’s why we’ve created the Academy. It gives you need-to-know information, broken down into actionable steps that will save you time, failed attempts, frustration, and wasted money.

If not now, then when?

It’s more important than ever to think about the impact of online. This situation gives us a lot of challenges, but even greater opportunities. 

If you’ve found yourself with more time now you’re not travelling to the office each day, or if you’ve had a dream to start your own business, then now is the time to do it. 

Consider this your chance, and seize the opportunity!

Got more questions?

We’re always happy to help. Contact our Online Academy Support-Team: o9DW09PM0dfj0NTK0NDOwsfGzsLRyMbXys3EjcDMzg@nospam.

Das Abo wird nach drei Monaten automatisch zum gleichen Spezialpreis von €199 erneuert. Es ist jederzeit vor Beginn der neuen Laufzeit kündbar.
