New: inCMS Blog/News Module

Create “News Pages” and templates in your blog, using all the features you have when creating a normal page in LocalBizProfit. We have also added an advanced blog module with Categories. Learn more. Watch Sam’s video now!


Min. 0:00 - 0:34

Min. 0:35 - 1:25
What we did

Min. 1:26 - 2:38
The options

Min. 2:39 - 2:50
Tutorial videos

Min. 2:53 - 3:29
Second new feature: Advanced blog module with Categories

Min. 3:30 - 3:45


We wish you lots of fun with the new Blog Module!


Your feedback is important to us

What do you think of this update? We look forward to every comment as well as further wishes and ideas. 
