New: Upload files to inCMS from forms

Sam shows us how you can add an upload element to a form in inCMS. This very useful feature will allow you to receive pdf reports, images or other files uploaded directly to the backend of inCMS. Watch Sam’s video now and learn how to take advantage of this useful feature.


Min. 0:00 - 0:22

Min. 0:23 - 1:36
Adding an upload element to a form in inCMS

Min. 1:37 - 1:59
Demonstrating uploading a file

Min. 2:00 - 3:02
The form is sent to the email address you designated as well as uploaded to the backend (depending on your settings)

Min. 3:03 - 3:12


Questions & Answers:

Are there file types which are not allowed?
The following file types are not allowed: 'php', 'cgi', 'pl', 'mov', 'mp4', 'avi'

Is there an upload limit?
The upload limit is 100 MB.


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