New: Feature Update - Carousel Module
In addition to the Slideshow module you now have access to the Carousel module and with it a lot of new possibilities!
New color picker
Today Tim will show you how to select colors even easier in your inCMS settings. Watch the video:
New: Sticky Header
This new inCMS feature will make your header sticky no matter where you scroll. Watch the video:
New layout options
You want to change the padding of the main content area on your inCMS website? Watch the video:
New styling options for buttons
Bold, italic, colors, even icons and multiple lines are possible! Watch the video:
New: Scheduled Publications
inCMS now allows you to schedule the publications of your blog posts, modules and pages. Watch the video:
Create beautiful pricing tables? Here's how
This tutorial video shows you how to create simple and stunning pricing tables with inCMS. Watch now:
New icons: Show and hide modules
In inCMS, you have four different options for displaying modules (such as text, images, etc.). Watch the video:
New: Better overview on small screens
With the new update of our SwissMadeMarketing Apps you will have a better overview of your tools, projects, websites, keyword searches etc. - even on smaller screens. Watch the video: