New: Feature Update - More User-Friendly inCMS Landing Page Overview


We are pleased to inform you that the usability of inCMS Landing Pages has been improved. If you click on one of your web pages, you will immediately see that the overview looks a bit different than before. On the right side you have the valuable AIDA data, where you can see the impressions, page views, contacts and conversions, respectively sales, at a glance.

As usual, you can click on “Edit as admin”, in order to edit the Landing Page in the inCMS editor, on the left. Right above this, you can see the domain where your site is available. At the top of the bar, you now have a green "Publish" button, with which you can add a domain to the website using inCMS with one click. On the outer right, you can go to the website settings.


Your feedback is important to us

What do you think of this update? We look forward to every comment as well as further wishes and ideas. 
