RankTracker provides the proof you need

In light of Google's recent Mobile Friendly Update, Sam will show you how RankTracker can provide the proof you need when analyzing keywords for both mobile and desktop rankings. Your analysis can be even more granular when using region and city parameters. (Note: This feature is not available in every package).

Watch Sam's video now and learn how the proof is in the screenshot.


Min. 0:00 - 0:27

Min. 0:28 - 1:12
Review settings for demo projects being demonstrated

Min. 1:13 - 2:00
Review results for both desktop and mobile in RankTracker.

Min. 2:01 - 4:02
Review the proof in Google’s search results for both desktop and mobile.

Min. 4:03 - 4:18
Discuss option to add region and city to the analysis.

Min. 4:19 - 4:36


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What do you think of this update? We look forward to every comment as well as further wishes and ideas. 
