Semantic Search for SEO and PPC Keywords
SECockpit now has a powerful feature, allowing you to find related keywords based on the current top 10 competitors.
What is Semantic Search?
The goal behind semantic search is to figure out the real intent of any given search term. This means, the search engine doesn't only look at a term word for word - instead, it tries to take into account the context in which this person is searching.
If you had searched for
"what's the time in new york"
15 years ago, you'd probably have received results with this exact phrase or with these exact words in the title or in the content. That's because back then search engines would look at the term word for word. But today, you get a much more relevant answer within this context:

It's all about context
The most important thing to take away is: Google wants to figure out the perfect context the user is in, when he's searching, but also what the perfect answer would be in that specific situation.
So... how do I find the ideal context for my niche?
Well... it's simple really. If you want to rank for a specific term ... say "print posters" ... wouldn't it make most sense to see who's ranking in the top 10 for this keyword, but in a second step, check for which other keyword terms these top 10 websites rank for too?
This exact process is available within SECockpit now! It's still in BETA and we're fine tuning the process.
Let us know what you think about it in the comments below!

Semantic Keyword Search is part of SECockpit Pro and SECockpit Agency

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